When you apply for a home loan, we need to document that you have enough income to repay the money you are borrowing. If you are self-employed and your income is tricky to document, there are viable mortgage programs that don’t require traditional tax return documents. In the past, you may have heard terms like […]
Mortgages for Self Employed in NH
If you’re reading this article, you’re probably self-employed and you need mortgage financing to buy a home in NH. You might be right to think it would be easier to qualify for a mortgage if you worked for someone else and had W2 income. A self-employed borrower might require more documentation than a W2 worker, […]
Getting a Loan When You’re Self-Employed
Being self-employed brings its own challenges when you’re applying for a mortgage. Mortgage lenders underwrite their loans based on standard guidelines that have been established by Fannie Mae, the FHA, or the VA. Self-employed borrowers are often considered riskier than other types of mortgage loan applicants. Consequently, they frequently receive closer scrutiny than do salaried […]